3 Powerful Tips To Help You Repair Tooth Enamel
Tooth enamel is the most highly mineralized and hardest substance of one's body. It covers each tooth's outer layer. This substance is made largely of hydroxyapatite and other minerals. The tooth enamel is semi-translucent so it's somewhat responsible for the teeth coloration. Tooth enamel is very important to protect your teeth from decaying. With it, a strong barrier is formed to shield your teeth's inner layers from the negative effects of plaque, acid, and very cold or hot beverages and food. And furthermore, signs of your teeth turning a little yellow or a darker colour show that your tooth enamel needs some assistance. Other signs of tooth enamel erosion include your teeth experiencing excessive sensitivity to sweet food, sweet drinks, and temperature; cracks and chips to your teeth; indentations or pits on the teeth surface; and visible staining on the teeth's surface. Here is a youtube video that give you some exclusive tips on fixing worn out enamel:...